Jens Fleischhauer

Institute of Linguistics, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf



Papers in journals

  • Fleischhauer, Jens. in press. Der Klimadiskurs im Europawahlprogramm der AfD. Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2024. Eine datengesteuerte Untersuchung deutscher Funktionsverbgefüge. Artikelvarianz in stehen-Funktionsverbgefügen. Lingue e Linguaggi 65: 233-265. doi: 10.1285/i22390359v65p233.
  • Bogaards, Marten & Jens Fleischhauer. 2023. Prospective aspect constructions in West Germanic. A comparative corpus study of German and Dutch. Leuvense Bijdragen - Leuven Contribution in Linguistics and Philology 104, 5-37.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2023. Prospective aspect and current relevance - A case study of the German prospective 'stehen vor NP' construction. Journal of Germanic linguistics 35 (4): 371-408.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2022. stehen unter-Funktionsverbgefüge und ihre Familien. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 50 (2): 247-288.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2021. Warum steht der Fußballspieler unter Vertrag? - Eine Fallstudie zu Funktionsverbgefügen des Typs 'stehen unter NP'. Sprachwissenschaft 46 (3): 343-374.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Mozhgan Neisani. 2020. Adverbial and attributive modification of Persian separable light verb constructions. Journal of Linguistics 56: 45-85.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2018. Animacy and affectedness in Germanic languages.Open Linguistics 4 (1): 566-588. [Open Access]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2018. Graduierung nicht skalarer Verben. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 46(2): 221-247.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Adrian Czardybon. 2016. The role of verbal prefixes and particles in aspectual composition. Studies in Language 40 (1): 176-203.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. 2014. We are going through changes: How change of state verbs and arguments combine in scale composition. Lingua 141, 30-47.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2009. A phylogenetic interpretation of the Comparative Method. Journal of Language Relationship 2, 115-127.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2009. Reply to Vladimir Belikov and Svetlana Burlak. Journal of Language Relationship 2, 132-138.

Papers in edited volums and proceedings

  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2024. Volk, Völkermord, Bevölkerungsaustausch - Der Volksdiskurs in der Reichsbürgerszene exemplarisch anhand der Gruppe 'Freistaat Preußen'. In Georg Schuppener (eds.). Kommunikation von und mit Reichsbürgern, 10-38. Wien: Prasens.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Stefan Hartmann. Der Weg von kommen zum Funktionsverb. In Christian Braun & Elisabeth Scherr (eds.). Methoden zur Erforschung grammatischer Strukturen in historischen Quellen, 117-138. De Gruyter: Berlin. [Open Access]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2023. Argument doubling and right-dislocation - An RRG analysis of head-marking in isiZulu. In Jens Fleischhauer & Claudius P. Kihara (eds.). African languages from a Role & Reference Grammar perspective, 163-192. Berlin: De Gruyter. [Open Access]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Claudius P. Kihara. 2023. African languages from a Role and Reference Grammar perspective: An introduction. In Jens Fleischhauer & Claudius P. Kihara (eds.). African languages from a Role & Reference Grammar perspective, 1-24. Berlin: De Gruyter. [Open Access]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2023. German light verb constructions with non-eventive nouns. In Jean-Pierre Colson (ed.). Phraseology, constructions and translation. Corpus-based, computational and cultural aspects. Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Dila Turus. 2022. Families of Light Verb Constructions in German Legal Language Contexts: A Case Study on the 'Passive'-Family of stehen unter-Light Verb Constructions. In Daniel Green & Luke Green (eds.). Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics, 173-198. Münster: LIT Verlag.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2021. Light Verb Constructions and Their Families - A Corpus Study on German stehen unter-LVCs. In Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2021), 63-69. Online: Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Stefan Hartmann. 2021. The emergence of light verb constructions: A case study on German kommen 'come'. In Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 9, 135-156. Berlin/ Boston: de Gruyter.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2021. Simplex and Complex Predicates in Persian: An RRG Analysis. In Robert D. Van Valin jr. (ed.). Challenges at the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. A Role and Reference Grammar Perspective, 31-62. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Dila Turus. 2021. Der Angeklagte steht unter Schutz, wird er aber auch geschützt? - Eine Analyse passivischer Funktionsverbgefüge des Typs stehen unter. In Gabrielle Jelitto-Piechulik et al. (eds.). Germanistische Werkstatt 11, 73-84. Oppeln: Uniwersytet Opolski.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2020. Predicative multi-word expressions in Persian. In Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, 552-561. Association for Computational Linguistics: Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. 2019. Deriving the meaning of light verb constructions - a frame account of German stehen 'stand'. In  Constanze Juchem-Grundmann, Michael Pleyer & Monica Pleyer (eds.). Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, 137-156. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens, Thomas Gamerschlag & Wiebke Petersen. 2019. Why aktionsart-based event structure templates are not enough - A frame account of leaking and droning. In Alexandra Silva, Sam Staton, Peter Sutton & Carla Umbach (eds.). Language, Logic, and Computation. 12 th International Tblisi Symposium, 108-127. Berlin: Springer.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Ekaterina Gabrovska. 2019. Perfectivity and atelicity - The role of perfective aspect in aspectual composition. In Emmanuelle Roussel, Adeline Patard & Eea Peltola (eds.). Cross-linguistic perspectives on the semantics of grammatical aspect, 97-126. Leiden: Brill.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens; Thomas Gamerschlag, Laura Kallmeyer & Simon Petitjean. 2019. Towards a compositional analysis of German light verb constructions (LVCs) combining Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) with frame semantics. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long Papers, 79-90. Association for Computational Linguistics: Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens; Thomas Gamerschlag & Wiebke Petersen. 2017. A frame-analysis of the interplay of grammar and cognition in emission verbs. In Stefan Hartmann (ed.). Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association/ Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik Vol. 5, 177-194. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2016. Degree expressions at the syntax-semantics interface. In Jens Fleischhauer, Anja Latrouite & Rainer Osswald (eds.). Exploring the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface, pp. 209-246. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press. [Open Access]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2015. Activation of Attributes in Frames. In V. Pirrelli, C. Marzi & M. Ferro (eds.). Word Structure and Word Usage, pp. 58-62.
  • Czardybon, Adrian & Jens Fleischhauer. 2014. Definiteness and Perfectivity in Telic Incremental Theme Predications. In Doris Gerland, Christian Horn, Anja Latrouite & Albert Ortmann (eds.). Meaning and Grammar of Nouns and Verbs, pp. 373-400. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2013. Interaction of telicity and degree gradation in change of state verbs. In Boban Arsenijevic, Berit Gehrke & Rafael Marin (eds.). Studies in Composition and Decomposition of Event Predicates, pp. 125-152. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2009. Netzwerkmodelle in der Historischen Sprachwissenschaft. In Heiner Fangerau & Thorsten Halling (eds.). Netzwerke: Allgemeine Theorie oder Universalmetapher in den Wissenschaften? Ein transdiziplinärer Überblick, pp. 49-70. Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • Petersen, Wiebke, Jens Fleischhauer, Hakan Beseoglu & Peter Bücker. 2008. A Frame-Based Analysis of Synaesthetic Metaphors. The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, 3(0).
  • Beseoglu, Hakan & Jens Fleischhauer. 2007. Dimension and Quality Concepts in Synaesthetic Metaphors. In Proceedings of EuroCogSci 07, pp. 710-715. London: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Werning, Markus, Jens Fleischhauer & Hakan Beseoglu. 2006. The cognitive accessibility of synaesthetic metaphors. In Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2365-70. London: Lawrence Erlbaum.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2024. Review of Encyclopedia of German Diatheses. By Michael Cysouw. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 36. 4: 315-319. doi: 10.1017/S1470542724000060.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2019. Review of Olga Heindl. Aspekt und Genitivobjekt. Eine kontrastiv-typologische Untersuchung zweier Phänomene der historischen germanischen Syntax. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 31.4: 409-420.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2019. Review of Anousha Sedighi & Pouneh Shabani-Jadidi (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Persian Linguistics. Linguist List 30.2861
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2018. Review of Caroline Kreß. Das Verb 'machen' im gesprochenen Deutsch. LINGUIST List 29.3938
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 2017. Review of Olga Kagan, Scalarity in the Verbal Domain. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 25 (1): 131-140.
  • Ortmann, Albert & Jens Fleischhauer. 2016. Review of Ana Aguilar-Guevara, Bert Le Bruyn & Joost Zwarts (eds.), Weak referentiality. Journal of Linguistics 52, 218-223.




  • Fleischhauer, Jens. German 'Reichsbürger' - The struggle for their sovereignty of Germany. Discourse, ideologies and substate nationalism. Liege, Belgium.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Prospektiver Aspekt und semantische Verbklassen. Verbklassen: Semantik, Grammatik und ihre Interdependenzen. Passau, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. My mother - your mother. Suppletive kinship terms in African languages. Invited talk Linguistics Colloquium. Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Patrick Kihara. A data-driven analysis of Gikuyu associative constructions. The 55th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Montreal, Canada.
  • Roné Wierenga, Maarten Boogards & Jens Fleischhauer. A prospective sandwich: Prospective aspect in German, Dutch, Afrikaans and English. Germanic Sandwich 9. Lancaster, Great Britain.
  • Boogards, Maarten, Jens Fleischhauer & Roné Wierenga. A corpus-based analysis of periphrastic prospective constructions in West Germanic. Chronos 15. Toulouse, France. 
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. On the presence versus absence of articles within German light verb constructions. Grammatical and semantic determination: categorization, cognition and acquisition. Amiens, France.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Zum Volksdiskurs in der Reichsbürgerszene. Kommunikation von und mit Reichsbürgern. Online.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. The 'principle of no synonymy' and light verb constructions –  A case study on German stative light verbs. ICLC 16. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Turus, Dila & Jens Fleischhauer. The gender-dependent interpretation of the German adjective aufreizend. A corpus study. Poster at Linguistic Intersection of Language and Gender. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. 'Doubling' and 'non-doubling' Bantu languages - An RRG analysis. 17th International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar. Düsseldorf, Germany.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. The non-synonymy of German light verbs – A case study on stehen and sein. CogLing Days 2022. Tilburg, The Netherlands.
  • Boogards, Maarten & Jens Fleischhauer. Prospective aspect constructions in Dutch and German. A Germanic Sandwich 2022. Cologne, Germany [online].
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Semantic restrictions on German causative light verb constructions. The Grammar of Causation III, Paris, France.

  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Stellen or setzen - The distribution of causative light verbs in German. 9. DGKL. Erfurt.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. A data-driven (bottom-up) approach to German light verb constructions. CLAVIER 21. Modena, Italy (online).
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Light verb constructions and their families: A corpus-study on German stehen unter-LVCs. The 17th Workshop on Multiword Expressions. Bangkok, Thailand (online). [Video of the talk]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Towards a typology of TAM-determined case marking asymmetries. The 16th International Conference on Role & Reference Grammar. Totonto, Canada (online).
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Families of light verb constructions - A corpus study on German stehen unter-LVCs. EuroPhrase 2021. Louvain, France (online).
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Stefan Hartmann. The desemantisation of German kommen and the emergence of light verb constructions. 12th International Corpus Linguistics Conference. Murcia, Spain. [Video]
  • Hartmann, Stefan & Jens Fleischhauer. Zur Analyse emergierender Funktionsverbgefüge im Mittelhochdeutsche - Methodische Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Grammatische und textgrammatische Strukturen in alt- und mittelhochdeutschen Quellen. Graz, Austria.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & C. Patrick Kihara. The syntax and semantics of Gĩkũyũ comparative constructions. 10th World Congress of African Linguistics. Leiden: The Netherlands. [Talk of the video]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. The use of spatial metaphors in German light verb constructions. RaAM 14: Metaphor and Space. Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. The expression of prospective aspect in German. New perspectives on aspect: from the 'Slavic model' to other languages. Paris, France. [Video of the presentation]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. The syntactic expression of prospective aspect in German. DGfS Workshop Encoding aspectuality in Germanic languages – empirical and theoretical approaches. Freiburg, Germany.
  • Turus, Dila & Jens Fleischhauer. Habitual aspect in Turkish. Chronos 14. Boulogne-sur-Mer, France.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. LVC-families across languages . 9. International Contrastive Linguistics Conference. Santa Margherita-Portofino, Italy.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Horizontal alignment and tense/aspect-restricted differential object marking in Iranian languages. Poster at: Ninth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL9). Wien, Austria.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Light uses of 'stehen' - A corpus-study on German light verb constructions. 56th Linguistics Colloquium. Athene, Greece. [Video of the talk]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Predicative multi-word expressions in Persian. PACLIC Workshop on Multiword Expressions in Asian languages. Hanoi, Vietnam. [Video of the Talk]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. Reflections on dynamicity, scalarity and telicity with special reference to fictive motion. Short talk at: Events and Event Structure at the Limits of Grammar. Oxford: Great Britain. [Video]
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Dila Turus. 'Der Angeklagte hat unter Alkoholeinfluss gestanden' – Funktionsverbgefüge in der Rechts- und Alltagssprache. 9. International Germanistische Werkstatt. Oppeln, Poland.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Dila Turus. Familien  von  Funktionsverbgefüge  in  der Rechtssprache - Ein   Beitrag   zur   juristischen  Semantik. 2nd International Legal Linguistics Workshop (ILLWS19). Salzburg, Austria.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. Attributive and adverbial modification of German light verb constructions. Modification of Complex Predicates. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens, Thomas Gamerschlag, Laura Kallmeyer & Simon Petitjean. Towards a compositional analysis of German light verb constructions (LVCs) combining Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) with frame semantics. 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2019). Götheburg, Schweden.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. Reflections on dynamicity, scalarity and telicity with special reference to fictive motion. Poster at Endpoints, scales, and results in the decomposition of verbal predicates. Berlin, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. Composing the meaning of light verb constructions – a frame account. Cognitive Structure 2018. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. Towards a frame analysis of light verb constructions – a case study of German
    stehen ‘stand’.  8th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association. Koblenz, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Intensification beyond emotions. Annual Conference of the 'Belgian Association of Anglicists in Higher Education' on Intensity. Mons, Belgium.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. When does perfectivity result in atelicity? - Aspectual composition in Polish. Workshop on Non-culminating, Irresultative and Atelic Readings of Telic Predicates. Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Gamerschlag, Thomas, Jens Fleischhauer & Wiebke Petersen. Why event structure templates are not enough - A frame account of bleeding and droning. TbiLLC 2017, Georgia.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. Interrelating dynamcity, scalarity and telicity with a special focus on fictive motion. Event Semantics 2017. Cologne, Germany.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Mozhgan Neisani. Attributive and adverbial modification of light verb constructions in Persian. Event Semantics 2016. Düsseldorf, Germany.Fleischhauer, Jens & Mozhgan Neisani. Attributive and adverbial modification of light verb constructions in Persian. Event Semantics 2016. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens, Thomas Gamerschlag & Wiebke Petersen. A frame analysis of the interplay of grammar and cognition in Emission verbs. 7. DGKL (Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik). Duisburg/Essen, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Mozhgan Neisani. When 'punish severly' does not mean 'do a severe punishment' - modifying light verb constructions in Persian. Cognitive Strcutures: Linguistic, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Telicity does not depend on perfectivity – aspectual composition in Polish. Chronos 12. Caen, France.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Animacy and affectedness in Germanic languages. Workshop on Animacy in Language and Cognition. Leeds, Great Britain.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. The distribution and syntax of quantity and degree expressions. International Conference in Role & Reference Grammar 2015. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Albert Ortmann. Lost in Transitivity . Zur semantischen Basis von Linkingsplits. Generative Grammatik des Südens 2015. Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens, Thomas Gamerschlag & Wiebke Petersen. A frame analysis of the interplay of grammar and cognition in emission verbs. Formal Semantics meets Cognitive Semantics. Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Activating Attributes in Frames. NetWordS 2015. Pisa, Italy.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens The Activation of Attributes in Frames. Norwegian Graduate Student conference in Linguistics and Philology. Tromsö, Norway.


  • Czardybon, Adrian & Jens Fleischhauer. Aspectual composition with verbal prefixes/particles in Germanic and Slavic languages. Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens, Thomas Gamerschlag & Wiebke Petersen. Bleeding, droning and yowling in(to) frames. Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Adrian Czardybon. Verbal prefixes/particles in aspectual composition. Theme session "Verbal prefixes and particels. Empirical research in grammatical aspect and lexical semantics." at SLE 2014. Posen, Poland.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Verbal scales and scale inaccessibility. 11. Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Phonology (WoSSP 11). Barcelona, Spain.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Lexikalisierte und nicht lexikalisierte Skalen. Semantik & Pragmatik im Südwesten 6 (SPSW 6). Bielefeld, Germany.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Degree adverbs and the layered structure of the clause. International Symposium on Verbs, Clauses, and Constructions (VCC). La Rioja, Spain.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Verbgraduierung an der Syntax-Semantik Schnittstelle. Semantik & Pragmatik im Südwesten 5 (SPSW 5). Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Czardybon, Adrian and Jens Fleischhauer. Definiteness and perfectivity in telic incremental theme predications. 14. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium. Halle, Germany.


  • Osswald, Rainer, Robert D. Van Valin, jr., Jens Fleischhauer, Anja Latrouite & Koen Van Hooste. On the syntax-semantics interface of directed motion expressions. Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Gamerschlag, Thomas & Jens Fleischhauer. Change of State Verbs and Scalar Underspecification. Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Czardybon, Adrian & Jens Fleischhauer. Nominal determination, aspect, and telicity in Slavic languages. Conference on Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science. Düsseldorf, Germany.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Modification vs. Quantification: Evidence for the distinction based on verb gradation. Workshop on Modification (with and without modifiers). Madrid, Spain.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Verb gradation at the Syntax-Semantics Interface. 8th Workshop on Syntax & Semantics. Paris, France.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Thomas Gamerschlag. The interaction of verbs and arguments in scalar composition. Workshop on the Lexicon-Syntax Interface: Verb Meaning, Event Structure and Argument Structure. Barcelona, Spain.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens, Anja Latrouite & Rainer Osswald. Decomposition beyond event templates. Representation of events conference. Paris, France.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens & Mattis List. Biological Lumbering of Linguistic Trees. A Comparison of 'Old' and 'New School' Approaches to Phylogenetic Analyses in Historical Linguistics. Theories of Evolution in the Science of Man - Applying a network approach to the interdisciplinary transfer of ideas. Ulm, Germany.
  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Interaction of telicity and degree gradation of change of state verbs in German. Workshop on the Subatomic Semantics of Event Predicates. Barcelona, Spain.


  • Fleischhauer, Jens. Telicity and open-scale gradation in German. Workshop Scalarity & Event Structure hosted by Chronos 9.


  • Petersen, Wiebke, Jens Fleischhauer, Peter Bücker & Hakan Beseoglu. A frame-based analysis if synaesthetic metaphors. A Figure of Speech: Conference on Metaphor. 3rd International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication. Riga, Latvia.
  • Beseoglu, Hakan & Jens Fleischhauer. Dimension and Quality Concepts in Synaesthetic Metaphors [Poster]. The Second European Cognitive Science Conference. Delphi, Greece.


  • Werning, Markus, Jens Fleischhauer & Hakan Beseoglu. The cognitive accessibility of synaesthetic metaphors. The Twenty-eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Vancouver, Canada.


les in aspectual composition. Theme